Classic Studios Web Design & Branding

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Project Description

This PlanetCom project was a fun challenge involving the design, development and branding of a modern, responsive website for Classic Studios, an innovative music studio in Sherwood Park. I particularly enjoyed working on this one, as it managed to seamlessly combine my love of music, design, and creativity. The website you see now is a complete redesign that was launched earlier this year, and was the first time I've gotten the opportunity to redesign a site that I had originally designed in the first place!

The overall look and feel of the site is clean and modern with concise, well written content that conveys the client's quirky sense of humor. The colour scheme used is contrasting yet complimenting orange and blue as the highlights and clean and classy black and white balancing things out. The typography was carefully chosen to match the themes present in the visual and written content of the site, with a fun yet readable script font for the logo and select headings, and a clean sans serif for everything else.

The project also included some branding work for the logo, which was derived from the client's vision of taking the popular phrase "Can't see the forest for the trees" and modifying it slightly to fit the context of a piano studio, which turned it into "Can't see the forest for the keys".

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Tools Used

Illustrator Icon Photoshop Icon Wordpress Icon Elementor Icon HTML5 Icon CSS3 Icon

There's No Progress Without Process

Nathan Labrecque Creative Process Image
Here is what one of the preliminary homepage designs looked like in the wireframing stage. Icons, logos, and written content were not yet finalized, so placeholder content was added to give a good sense of the layout and space.
Nathan Labrecque Creative Process Image
Here is the initial homepage design after its transformation into a full fledged colour mockup. The black & white colour scheme was always the foundation, and in this particular design I experiemented with a turquoise green and brighter orange for the highlights.
Nathan Labrecque Creative Process Image
This is a screenshot of another preliminary site design wireframe, this time of what an interior page could potentially have looked like.
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Here is the same interior page design fully fleshed out in mockup form. The icons and logo are much more developed, giving this version a bit more substance. While this design did not make the final cut, the colours and icons sure did!
Nathan Labrecque Creative Process Image
Here are some explorations into the branding of Classic Studios. These were my initial ideas before the whole "Can't see the forest for the keys" idea surfaced. In these renderings I was largely aiming for a clean and clever typographic logo that screamed simplicity, yet spoke volumes on what the Studio is all about.
Nathan Labrecque Creative Process Image
These are a few examples of my logo explorations after the "Forest for the keys" vision was brought forth for me to bring to life. Although I really liked the bottom version, it was a tad too close to another logo found online and was ultimately discarded.
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